- Hon. Speaker, the MF has supported all budgets because taxpayers need service delivery and the MF will not be an impediment.
- The MF has criticized where necessary because we have fully participated in all pre-budget processes and during debates.
- Our concerns will remain, the impact of COVID-19 on our people worsening our triple challenges of unemployment, inequality and poverty.
- Hence, the MF has given recommendations in all budget engagements to spend across departments to meet basic human needs: water, lights, safety; to improve the quality and outcomes of education and health of our people.
- The sore issue is housing and repairs to infrastructure which must be monitored.
- The employment initiatives this year must see youth in learnerships and jobs.
- The MF still awaits for KZN to see a proper CSR framework applied across all departments. It’s time for business houses to come to the party.
- With these recommendations, the MF has supported these budgets.
- Thank you.
Hon. S. Thakur-Rajbansi
Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi
Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)
Date: Friday 13 May 2022
Time: 09:00 to 12:00
Word Count: 165 Words