Debate on the EDTEA Budget 2022

Posted in: on 13/05/2022 | Categorised as

  1. Hon. MEC, thank you for this budget speech.
  2. From 2014 there has been a trend in this department to have key shifts in functions from and to other departments; yet the concern will always be the lack of transparency that has crept in.
  3. Due to our economic crisis, the department is trying to make programmes accessible and transparent. Then we have mafias mushrooming, because they cannot hold the government to ransom anymore.
  4. It is important to go back to pre-2014 when EDTEA invited multi- party representatives at trade and tourism conferences. Currently, we only read about the business breakfasts and gala dinners, and government policy follows. This committee is not for rubber-stamping livelihoods. This is a participatory democracy.
  5. This is partly the reason why the Growth Fund has non-performing loans; why small business recipients are not known, with a few success stories.
  6. At Clarestate this morning, I met a lady who recycles tyre drums and rims, old geysers etc. to make simple stoves, given the electricity outages. Such women deserve access to funding. Hon. MEC, apart from bottled water, give poor households small gas tanks and a 2-plate gas stove.
  7. The MF notes the Halal food value chain support by the government. Similarly, Hon. MEC, open out this food value chain to other faith-based groups to create jobs, ensure food security and build our communities through CSR projects.
  8. Of concern are spaza shops engaging in nefarious e.g.: money-laundering activities which must be monitored and a report given to this honourable House.
  9. In Conservation, the budget is usually underspent, yet proper planning is required to respond to climate change and the baseline should be doubled, with the bulk given to Emzemvelo.
  10. We have economic and job opportunities presented by mother nature, to improve soil and water conservation, invest in carbon sequestrating activities, removing alien plants and growing indigenous trees. Hon. members, climate change must become a poll agenda, then we will move.
  11. Hon.MEC, the aftermath of the July looting left many businesses in distress. Please accelerate financing through Operation Value Fund to all affected businesses and the MF would like to see Phase 2 adverts in all papers to bring awareness if there’s departmental capacity weaknesses.
  12. The UPL matter needs closure. This company cannot be economically punished because looters should be. This Hon. House would like to hear government’s decision. KZN with all its political instability, worsened by COVID-19 and floods cannot chase away businesses that are a blessing to the energy, health and food sectors.
  13. The MF supports this R3,4 billion budget for the 2022/23 year. Spend taxpayers money back to growth.
  14. Thank you.

Hon. S. Thakur- Rajbansi


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

Date: Wednesday 11 May 2022

Time: 14:00 to 17:00

Word Count: 441 Words

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