- Hon. Speaker and members, this Bill will strengthen our municipalities structurally but the first step would be for COGTA to ensure for eg: in KZN every municipality first produce their organogram that the portfolio committee agrees to, as we are spheres of government and inter- dependent.
- This Bill illustrates the critical nature of head-hunted and well screened municipal managers, senior and middle management staff in order to comply with these amendments.
- Similarly, the HR managers and departments of municipalities will now have to be monitored for implementation of these amendments through the council as a whole.
- The role of newly elected councillors is cut-out to ensure that politicians don’t play the role of staff and vice versa. There must be a clear distinction between the political and civil servant establishment for good governance.
- The MF supports this Bill with these recommendations.
- Thank you.
Hon. S. Thakur- Rajbansi
Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi
Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)
Date: Tuesday 9 November 2021
Time: 09:00 to 10:30
Word Count: 148 Words