- Members, Hon. MEC
- I will focus on the current unsettling issue of land grabs, which is a very broad, complex but requires delicate and speedy handling.
- MEC in this regard you need to be more vocal. We need your intervention, in Shallcross,Ballito,Lisaka etc. Use group adverts, pamphlets and articles to be visible, explaining and educating our people as this issue which is causing chaos daily.
- MEC, Land was never freely given to Indian people in particular. They have paid for the land and worked extremely hard for what they own.
- Our HON. President has made a statement that “Land grabs need to within the confines of the law” how can this statement be explained to citizens of this country? Our President also says that Land expropriation will be handled in a way that would not harm the economy, agricultural production or food security.
- MEC, we need to resolve this issue as the idea of land grabbing has already been filtered to the people that it is a permissible act.
- Two other land and housing issues are the endangerment of Lancegrove Park in Phoenix for in-fill housing.
- This must be stopped. The residents are already living in small properties. We cannot take away even the small open green spaces for their health and well-being. Social housing requires proper spatial planning. Let’s not deviate.
- MEC we need to give title deeds to home owners, especially the pre-1994 tenants, as HON.Tambo stated.
- Citizens need to be aware of the procedure of reporting land and home grabbing, so that, in cases of land grabs it does not lead to stampedes, shootings or death. The lack of title deeds is going to be another problem.
- The Minority Front acknowledges that your budget has been reduced and we believe that this department needs more for the work you need to do.
With these words the Minority Front supports the Human Settlement Budget.
Thank you
Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi
Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)
Date: Friday 11 May 2018
Time: 10:15 to 11:15