The Editor: The New Age – MINORITY FRONT – In Good Hands

Posted on 16/02/2016

Your article “Spent force or Roaring Back” refers.

Thank you for painting a fair picture on the current State of the Minority Front.

The Truth is that the MF has faced major challenges in the last five years since the demise of our founding Leader Mr Amichand Rajbansi. Much of the challenge has been inflicted through in-house squabbles over the Leadership role. Sadly, persons of gross incompetence believed that taking over from the formidable Raj would be a “piece of cake”. This led to a war being waged, the spoils of which were gathered after the 2014 General Elections.

To date we, the Loyalist to the Legacy of the Great Rajbansi, are having to deal with defending not only his name and the ideals on which the MF was founded, but also to defend the integrity of this once great organisation.

Mrs Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi certainly has her foot on the accelerator when it comes to regaining lost ground and advancing the MF in areas previously untapped. She has the support of the youth wing and a hard working few.

Whilst the majority of your article was well established the unfortunate misreporting concerning the resolution to remove Mrs Rajbansi from the party for “non disclosure” is gravely misleading.  The reasons this resolution can never be implemented is because, one, it was not passed at an NEC Meeting but rather at an illegal caucus meeting at Durban’s City Hall and second because Mrs Rajbansi has not failed to disclose details to the party or its NEC.




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