- Hon. Premier
- The Minority Front thanks you and your team for the diligent effort in presenting this 2020 SOPA address on the state of KwaZulu-Natal. On paper, it speaks to the motto,“Growing KZN Together.”
- In my assessment the overall shift to rural Radical Agrarian Socio – Economic Transformation (RASET), in line with the Consolidation of a Strategy for Township, expanded by the Economic Strategic Information Development cluster; Hon. Premier must also note that:the RASET programme must be based on the principle of inclusiveness for all previously disadvantaged groups, if we as a Legislature are committed to a vision beyond fragmentation.
- We must undertake the RASET programme once again, as agricultural prosperity being the saviour of KwaZulu-Natal. The British had known this in 1860, when they brought Indian Indentured Labourers or slaves to the Natal. Hon. Premier, I, my former leader and at least 800 000 Indians hail from these unsung heroes and heroines.
- Hon. Members from the days of Dutch spatial policy, town and country were separate developments. Hence, the current transformation policy must effectively address the network approach, having well defined principles for spatial organisation. Therefore, a process – orientated concept is required of all elements in the 7 plans and 8 priorities outlined in SOPA, page 6.
- Hon. Premier this government must be concerned with large tracts of land lying fallow. More precarious is the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s assessment, of many farms facing serious operational challenges and rendered dysfunctional. True, this does have serious implications for food security and economic growth. The Minority Front urges the cabinet to take Mr Celani Xulu’s plea as a “Bugle Call” for Hon. Members to come up with a clear plan.
- As an MP I serve the low socio-economic townships of Chatsworth and Phoenix, therefore I can express the hope and fears of communities who feel that, our democracy is backsliding. Especially, people of Indian decent are excluded in the rural economy.
- Hon. Premier, our focus should be inclusion of all low socio-economic groups when implementing RASET. The Minority Front would like to see that all apartheid townships, whether Black African, Indian or Coloured; their youth should be targeted to revitalise our rural economy together with marginalised rural communities. If you want this to succeed, please ensure this skills mix, Hon. Premier. This is also the best way to bring about social cohesion through radically integrated spatial development, for prosperity and peace.
- Hon. Premier, this bring me back to page 10, on the 160 years commemoration of the first Indian Indentured workers and the erecting of a statue to mark their arrival this November. Thank you; finally. Once again, the Minority Front will only be happy when the entire R10 million originally set aside is utilised to acknowledge the development contribution of the first batches of sugar – cane, railway, seinetters and mine – workers. This is a commemoration to all the unsung heroes and heroines. Many of these brave slaves died or became physically challenged. My late grandfather was one such hero. He never had the opportunity to see me, as he had become blind, working in the Burnside mines. I was 12 years old when he died. At least I must see this token of appreciation for him and others in my life time, like thousands desire.
- Hon. Premier, His Majesty the King’s concern about the sex education curriculum in our schools is valid. It is causing much distress amongst parents and the religious sectors. His Majesty’s wisdom should be called upon, together with community traditional leaders who are very influential stakeholders. For success in this crucial subject we should include all teachers in a child’s life, ie parents, religious and school educators, for acceptable curriculum outcomes.
- There are other concerns that I will debate on later, by His Majesty on community strife and the fact that South Africa now occupies the AU chair, which means that all African countries should fast track a defined foreign policy on trade, sovereignty, borders, immigration and security; as our leadership contribution.
- Therefore, Hon. Premier, in practice the motto “Growing KZN Together” is about good policies based on good relationships.
Thank you.
Hon.S. Thakur- Rajbansi
Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi
Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)
Date: Thursday 5 March 2020
Time: 10:00 to 13:00
Word Count: 704 Words