Debate on the 3rd Quarter Consolidated Municipalities

Posted in: on 04/09/2020 | Categorised as ,

  1. Hon.Speaker, I thank the Hon.MEC Ravi Pillay for this report.
  2. Looking at the report, and the rural bias, it questions the ‘Back to Basic Programme’ and its impact, in 2014 “Serving Our Communities Better”, was the motto. The concern with respect to change management in the report is a reality hence, Hon. MEC, the consolidating of municipalities that are badly managed is imperative.
  3. These require moment by moment management or onsite mentorship and coaching during this crisis. Let’s recall people with experience, even from retirement to do this. These interventions are practical suggestions because not following legal frameworks for accounting purposes means our monitoring managers’ who are senior managers’, are weak hence we will obtain bad evaluations from the Auditor General.
  4. I know that when people are accommodated to fit a job, we end up regretting such decision-making, like today. We have to now ensure that jobs descriptions fit people, when recruiting in future.
  5. Thank you.

Hon. S. Thakur- Rajbansi


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

Date: Thu 3 Sep 2020

Time: 09:30

Word Count: 160 Words

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