Debate on the Human Settlements Budget

Posted in: on 19/07/2019 | Categorised as

  1. Hon. MEC Nkonyeni, the Minority Front welcomes this Human Settlements budget.
  2. The following needs to be highlighted to assist the department overcome housing challenges: Firstly, the social housing policy should speak to social cohesion, Chapter 15 of the National Development plan 2030. In the next 11 years Hon.MEC, every housing project should not be given on the basis of quotas but rather the need for housing.
  3. In the previous debates, I suggested a needs analysis framework to achieve this and was told that National has designed this. Can we have the roll-out of such a framework which will achieve the integrated residential development programme.
  4. Secondly, the peoples housing process, is simply that, a ‘process’ involves good communication. Arising from the MF’s analysis of the departments APP, 2019/20, a key finding was the weakness of a communication plan to achieve strategic goals objectives and targets e.g.: Method of calculation states, communication strategy approved but data limitations says, lack of input from stakeholders.
  5. The Minority Front recommends a SWOT analysis be done because a workable communication strategy needs a good detailed communication plan with the necessary budget provision in order to ensure that the peoples housing process is actively participatory. The MF would monitor and asks the Hon. Chairperson L. Hlongwa to make this a standing item on the portfolio committee agenda.
  6. Hon.MEC, we welcome changes to the strategic plan, which is more focussed but needs actioning acceleration. The fiscal dumping of budgets to municipalities must be stopped and new developments must be aggressively overseen by Hon. Members, just like the schools opening programmes. 7. Finally, Hon. Mec, the MF debated previously about fast-tracking a programme on housing co-operatives which has been started in other provinces. In this regard the department’s memorandum of understanding with the HDA for the acquisition of private land and for the release of state land, should include the opportunity to embark on the co-operative housing sector development, which will reduce the burden of cost from this department based on self-help housing development for like-minded, income strata groups. Hon.MEC, we must allow for flexible arrangements to achieve diversified human settlements.
    8. With these recommendations the Minority Front supports this R 4 billion rand budget.
    9. Thank you.

HON.S. Thakur-Rajbansi


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

Date: Friday 19 July 2019

Time: 09:00 to 15:30

Word Count: 374 Words

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