Debate on the Office of the Premier’s Budget 2022: Vote 1

Posted in: on 05/05/2022 | Categorised as

  1. Hon. Premier, the MF thanks your office for well run sectoral parliaments, encouraging citizens and stakeholder engagement.
  2. The MF is pleased about the cordial relationship of the OTP with the His Majesty. This signals great enthusiasm in KZN.
  3. Hon. members, the OTP must apply strategic growth interventions in small town rehabilitation, like Estcourt, Dundee, Dannhauser and others, similar to the previous coal-rim revitalisation programmes.
  4. In terms of social cohesion and nation building; the building of the monument to commemorate the arrival of Indentured Indians from 1860’s to 1911, has not been accomplished. When will this monument be completed, as the 16 Nov is around the corner. Once a commitment is given to honour our ancestors, customarily such a promise must be honoured. Indentured Indians had saved KZN from bankruptcy. The day this monument is erected in eThekwini and paid homage to by tourists and our leaders, will mark the rise of KZN again.
  5. Hon. Premier, the Youth Empowerment Fund in light of the 35% unemployment rate is a critical choice for beneficiaries across all race groups. For Hon. members to believe in this policy concept of job creation, it is important for a separate written document, outlining the policy content, inputs, activities and intended policy outputs. It is critical that we must have established outcomes with indicators. Only these, can determine, determinants of expenditure distribution patterns, targeting deserving beneficiaries. Hon. Premier, the Youth Empowerment Fund must take lessons from the KZN Growth Fund where such “ specific intention” policies, requires reliable data for programme evaluation. This Hon. House places high value on this Youth Empowerment Fund but our oversight can promote policy advocacy. Essentially, annually this Hon. House requires a cost-benefit analysis of this fund.
  6. The MF takes this opportunity to thank communities of various faiths in KZN who rallied to assist our government to bring relief to citizens in our flood ravaged areas.
  7. The MF supports this OTP budget with these recommendations.
  8. Thank you.

Hon. S. Thakur-Rajbansi


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

Date: Thu 5 May 2022

Time: 09:00 to 16:00

Word Count: 333 Words

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