MF Debate on the Health Budget

Posted in: on 22/05/2021 | Categorised as ,

1. Hon. MEC, I begin this debate with the apprehension which pervades our communities and may lead to vaccine resistance. Initially our seniors were patiently awaiting the discovery of vaccines; now they’re terrified of the side effects. I’m not sure of the experiences of honorable members but my research brings up conflicting views of renowned scientists on the use of these vaccines.
2. The plea of the Minority Front is for the department of health and national in particular, to explain such concerns on interactive TV programs or at the vaccination centers with more information that our health experts can give. A few Frontline workers have informed me that they have experienced side effects and some are still hesitant to take the vaccine. However, amongst senior citizens there is very real anxiety and this Hon House must be given reports after each phase of roll-out.
3. The MF earlier requested that our government through the department, allow people the choice of taking other vaccines via the private sector eg: our BRICS partners are producing highly effective and cost-efficient vaccines like, Russia and India.
4. Furthermore, a report on the use of Ivermectin and its efficacy should be monitored and reported on to this Hon House.
5. Such reports will become the basis for impact monitoring, affecting future health budgets being no less than our approach to the HIV/ Aids pandemic, which we want to eliminate by 2030, together with TB and all these are communicable diseases. On a positive note, the COVID-19 pandemic has catapulted many citizen’s attention to preventing non-communicable or lifestyle diseases but lack of movement is unavoidable due to lockdown measures. Awareness budgets must be ongoing. Hon. MEC, however communicable diseases have root causes that require structural changes in society and therefore a lot more inter and extra governmental networking is required to resolve these, as people movement and behavior requires adaptation. Most importantly, persons who suffer debilitating side-effects from vaccination must be assured free treatment from our department and these adverse reactions must be recorded by governance committees in both the public and private sectors.
6. Hon.MEC, the MF acknowledges the department’s efforts to establish the centres of excellence. Cerebral Palsy has been highly neglected. Many thanks for the committed focus on medico-legal issues, patient safety steps and clinical governance structures. How each program changes in terms of hospital and clinical designs and profiling means our budgets have to be suggestive of adaptive changes. With these reflections the MF supports the health budget of R 48, 412 billion. .

7. Thank you.


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

Date: Friday 21 May 2021

Time: 09:00 to 17:30

Word Count: 424 Words

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