General Budget Debate

Posted in: on 23/03/2018 | Categorised as

Hon. Speaker and Finance MEC, we use economic analysis to show line items which are necessary or desirable but we now, with extreme budget cuts, as Hon. Members, we have to see what is superfluous expenditure. For this we need to interrogate the four classes of expenditure, first for common benefit of all citizens, second is special benefit for the incapacitated, thirdly a special benefit to certain persons and a common benefit for all others and fourthly; conferring a special benefit on individuals.

This brings me to the definition of Equality as giving people the same things and Equity being fairness in even situation.

For NDP 2030 to be achieved these terminologies fit in but for Radical Economic Transformation it is only constitutionally and politically correct for all legislators to see a hard copy of this document.

The Minority Front feels strong about these basic principles because current inequality in our 22 years shows that there is cheating and the political consequences are enormous.

The MF will approach Radical Economic Transformation with a lot of reservation because most poor countries focus on expanding the primary sector first, then the secondary sector. We need to see this in the Radical Economic Transformation Plan.

What we require Hon. Premier and MEC of Finance is a 1994 to 2014 record on poverty alleviation in South Africa and in KZN, as a baseline to work from because I firmly believe that poverty in South Africa is mis-measured because we do not discuss these transparently.

The MF’s concern remains that with drastic cuts and Izinduna funding, the most necessary public sector outputs will be missing and we, Hon. Members will need to explain this to communities, come 2019.

Thank You.

Shameen Thakur- Rajbansi

Minority Front  MPL KZN Legislature


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

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