Health Executive Statement on Oncology

Thank you HON. MEC, for the well outlined synthesised report to this HON. House. I am sure that a more comprehensive report is with the SA HRC.
HON. Members, we will await the outcomes review by the HRC on the full Action Plan presented by our department.
The Minority Front is satisfied with all aspects of the report, but our focus will continue on the following areas:
a) The quarterly report on backlog reduction of the 3017 patients,
b) The plan by the departments to close the gaps on the PPP agreement between IALCH and the Impilo Construction arrangement so that we obtain value for many. The portfolio committee should workshop this HON. Chairperson.
c) Finally, HON.MEC the rise of varied types of cancer means not only hereditary causes but lifestyles and environmental issues hence more data has to be collected by the DOH. More of the budget has to be on prevention and awareness which means, more empowerment of our people at PHC level or facilities.
We need to invest, also on palliative care centres and step-down facilities run by the department, as the private sector is too expensive and inaccessible to most patients.
The Minority Front appreciates this report and HON. MEC, have faith in you to provide feedback to the affected families and NGO’s working in this sector. We can accompany you too.
The departmental officials must be thanked for their responsibility and you for your accountability to this HON. House.
The MF accepts the report, with follow-ups.
Thank you