MF Motion Realized
The Minority Front Leader, Shameen Thakur Rajbansi, motioned parliament in June this year for the establishment of youth desks and directorates within all government departments so that youth have access to the facilities that are available there-in. Last week saw the first KZN Youth Development Summit where commissions sat to discuss and resolve the Kwa-Zulu Natal Youth Development Strategy 2014-2019. This will culminate in a directorate being established in the office of the Premier.
The event saw a variety of non-government organizations, civil society organizations as well as governments departments and KZN Premier, Senzo Mchunu in attendance.
Rajbansi who is a member of the Premier’s Portfolio Committee, said that “this was a splendid initiative by the premier to ensure youth development in the province. The programme is warmly welcomed and must have the participation of all stakeholders with the province including NGO’s and CSO’s. We must ensure that every opportunity is exhausted to create jobs, skills development, entrepreneurships and economic participation.”
Amongst those in attendance was Youth Leader of the Minority Front, Jonathan Annipen who was a delegate to the summit. “During the sectoral parliament this year I called on government to call a multi-party dialogue that would review the National Youth Policy. I am glad that this call was adhered to. The draft Youth Development Strategy is a step in the right direction. It will contribute to Economic Development amongst youth, more jobs and entrepreneurship and skills development programmes. It will mainstream and integrate youth development through effective planning, coordination, implementation, monitoring and reporting on policies, programmes and projects leading to the holistic development of all youth in the Province in collaboration with social partners. This will ensure that we have more skills in the province.”