Debate on the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill

  1. Hon. Chairperson, the MF acknowledges the focus of this DORA Bill [B15-2019] on Repositioning local Government Public Finances.
  2. Hon.members, local government has generally functioned as a separate level of government and not as within the three spheres of government because National Treasury on many mandates gave Municipalities separate grants, which were weakly managed.
  3. Currently for Kwa Zulu Natal we are facing the ouslaught of climate change and many areas are becoming a disaster.
  4. The Hon. Acting Premier mentioned Alien invasion species but this grant, although used is not well monitored, hence we cannot provide continuous jobs.
  5. Monies received for managing the flood damages in May and June are starting to be used now, whilst we are experiencing a second storm and Tornado damages.
  6. In KZN we seem to awaken during floods but not during droughts. As yet we have never had full accountability for the usage of drought allocations.
  7. The Minority Front recommends that droughts affected areas also be declared disaster areas and a case be made to National Treasury to assist areas like Ugu, Uthukela and uMkhanyakude with specific projects to untap and preserve water reserves in preparations for the next DORA, however the MF supports this Bill.
  8. Thank you.

HON. S. Thakur- Rajbansi


Debated by: Hon. Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi

Minority Front Leader (KZN Legislature)

Date: Tue 26 Nov 2019

Time: 09:00 to 17:30

Word Count: 208 Words

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