At yesterday’s Legislature sitting, MF Leader Mrs ST Rajbansi, introduced a motion aimed at reducing SA’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), which is a UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG).
Mrs Rajbansi stated MMR will contribute towards achieving other MDG’s as healthy mothers maximise human capital and maternal health is a key indicator of a country’s health systems.
She further stated that, maternal deaths are preventable with adequate nutrition, healthcare, family planning, and a Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) present during delivery or obstetric emergency.
Mrs Rajbansi pointed out malpractice lawsuits in excess of R1billion were financially crippling KZN, two recent settlements alone amounting to R25 million. Therefore access to SBAs with proper training, medicines and facilities is essential necessitating further re-skilling of SBA’s.
Mrs Rajbansi concluded that investment in quality of care be prioritised and SBA reclassification is imperative for conformity as NHI is rolled-out, whilst focusing on special Maternal and Child Health Hospitals to reduce Maternal Mortality.
Date: Wednesday 26 September 2018
Word Count: 156 Words