MF Women’s Day Celebration

MF Women’s Day Celebration

Seen in the picture is Leader of the Minority Front MRS S T RAJBANSI presenting certificates of appreciation to volunteers. The Minority Front recently held several celebrations around the province to commemorate women’s month.

In keeping with the national theme for women’s month; “Celebrating 60 years of the Women’s Charter and 20 years of Democracy and paving a way forward”, Minority Front Leader Mrs Shameen Thakur Rajbansi labored on the unreached goal of 50/50 representation post the May 7th 2014 election. She added that the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal had the poorest representation of women of 32%.

The politician of 16 years encouraged women to take up active roles in the political arena in preparation for the 2016 local government election.

Rajbansi boasted of the accomplishments of the Minority Fronts Women’s League in hosting regular workshops, knowledge sharing sessions, skills development programmes and advancing community based organizations. “ The Minority Front has pioneered many initiatives with respect to forming women’s support groups, women’s circles, and social clubs. We have, from these platforms, identified the needs of women and the issues that affect them.  We have also used these platforms to educate women on relevant issues of health, safety and skills. We have advocated for and helped establish widow’s forums throughout the province and have motioned parliament for a widow’s grant. There has also been tedious conversation with the Petitions Committee as well as the committee for Quality of Life, Women, Children and Persons With Disabilities in this regard.  We are hoping that the National Treasury will evaluate the need and make the necessary provisions.  As a political organization the MF has always had growing representation of women in different levels of government. We therefore encourage women to become more active in the political arena” she said.

The health professional of over 25 years, also spoke on issues of teen pregnancy, sex education in schools and violence against women and children. She added that women must be given priority for housing when the new housing lists are drawn up and that women must also familiarize themselves with the roles of chapter nine institutions such as the Public Protector, IEC, Human Rights Commission, Auditor General and the Gender Commission.

The event closed with glamorous dance and a sumptuous meal. People who wish to get more details on the information reflected above can visit the website on

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