A Blessed Ganesh Chathurthi 2022 From the MF

A Blessed Ganesh Chathurthi 2022 From the MF

Lord Ganesh: The Giver of Prosperity

There many stories relating to Ganesh and His past times which we can learn from. Here is one of the stories which is not very popular but has a great lesson we can learn.

It begins with the wish of Agastya muni who wished to create a river that would benefit the people staying in the southern lands. The Devtas heeded his wish and presented him with a small bowl containing water. Wherever he would pour the bowl of water, the river would originate from there.

Agastya muni decided to create the origin beyond the mountains and proceeded to travel there. On the journey, he got tired and began looking for a place to take some rest. Just then, he came across a small boy who was standing alone. He requested him to hold the pot of water while he went and relieved himself. The boy was Ganesh himself. He knew what the pot of water was for and realized that the location he was at was perfect for the river, so he set the pot down.

When Agastya muni came back, he saw the pot on the ground and a crow attempting to drink water from it. He shooed away the crow, who flew away but not before tipping the pot on the ground. This resulted in the river originating from that place itself, which is now called the Kaveri River.

Sometimes, things may not always work out in the way we wish for them to. Nevertheless, what happens does happen for a good reason. We should learn to accept it and move on. Don’t waste time moaning about why things unfolded in a certain way. As Bhagawan has the master plan and we are just His instruments.

We heartily wish that Sri Ganesh, the remover of all obstacles, fills your home with prosperity and good fortune. Best wishes to all on Ganesh Chaturthi for you and your family from the Minority Front.

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