MF Leader Participates In Motivational Program For Schools

MF Leader Participates In Motivational Program For Schools

Picture: Mrs Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi at Vukuzane High school in Umlazi on Wednesday, 11th February 2015  with various artists and motivational speakers.

Mrs Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi participated in a motivational program for matriculants in the Ethekwini and Provincial partnership program. There were three schools that were part of this program ,Umthambo High School, Vukuzakhe high school and Umkhumbane high school which received maths sets, calculators and smart phones. These were sponsored by Vodacom.

Mrs Rajbansi said, “I take pride in motivating learners to use this golden opportunity in school to obtain a firm foundation later in life through tertiary education. Remember books and pens empower more than any other weapon. Educate yourself to experience real freedom”.

The learners were very participative and left highly motivated. “I wish the matriculants well for this year”, said Mrs Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi.

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