MF Leader A Part Of NCOP Inspection

MF Leader A Part Of NCOP Inspection

Seen in this picture is MF Leader, Mrs S Thakur Rajbansi and the NCOP delegation.

The National Council Of Provinces (NCOP) Recently held a series of engagements with different government departments in the province including Health, Safety and Security as well as Education. The Committee, which sits in the National Assembly in Cape Town, visited different institutions to survey the functionality as well as empower its staff and employees.

Leader of the Minority Front and member of the Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Legislature, Mrs Shameen Thakur Rajbansi was one of the representatives that accompanied the inspection from the Kwa-Zulu Natal Government.

“It was certainly a much needed initiative, as the NCOP acts as a mediator between the Provincial Legislature and the National Assembly. If we are to accurately articulate our concerns to the National Government, in order to develop the correct policies, programmes and legislation, then the NCOP must become actively involved in our public hearings, oversight visits and in the upgrade of our different departments. What we would also like to see is consistent involvement by the NCOP is communities were education, health, housing, youth development and economic emancipation is labeled a priority, this ofcourse can be constituted as such based on the interaction between such communities and the different levels of Government,” she said

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